Are You (Always) the Hero of Your Own Story?

Storytelling is, of course, an art.
We learn through stories.
Sometimes passed down through families;
sometimes told through books, movies, or
other forms of media.
Storytelling can be a powerful learning tool.
It can be wildly persuasive,
especially in sales & marketing.
Nearly every advertiser has learned
the value of storytelling as it relates
to selling its product or service.
Consumers see themselves in
the scene in relation to the featured
product, a connection is made and
a sale is won.
Used effectively
(and, sparingly, I might add)
stories can help a client or customer
discover something new about
themselves or a related situation.
A thoughtful story can provide context,
perspective, and space to consider
another point of view.
What happens when you are always
the hero of your own storytelling?
When, in the retelling, you always said
just the right thing.
Made the right move.
Won the race.
Closed the deal.
Got the girl.
Now you’re not a storyteller.
You’re kind of a self-aggrandizing as*hole.
Good storytellers rarely make the story about them.
They leave space for the listener.
They share successes and failures.
Wins and losses.
And they leave air for others
to create their stories
or to just breathe.

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