If it takes 10,000 hours
to become an expert,
then I have earned the
equivalent of a PhD
in narcissism.
I have befriended,
dated, married,
hired, studied
and been forever
linked to it.
Take the are you a narcissist quiz..or don’t
if you don’t care
While I attract it,
I also work to repel it.
But damn if it doesn’t
look different every time.
At first blush, narcissism
can look like confidence
and personality with a
capital P.
However, soon after,
the air begins to leave
the room and you
(and by you, I mean me)
notice there’s no
room. left. to. breathe.
I’m learning to insist
on reciprocal relationships.
Ones that feel well-balanced
with an appropriate
amount of consideration
on both sides.
Like a well-curated wardrobe,
the result may be less is more.
That’s okay because less
is so much more satisfying.
And, lest I am guilty of projecting
my own faults on others,
I have taken the online
assessment several times.
Turns out I didn’t need to.
I’m told if you have enough
self-awareness to wonder
if you are a narassist,
you’re probably not.
And if you are,
you probably don’t care.
Turns out I score poorly.
At best, I exhibit
high leadership potential
and sometimes seemingly
poor judgment.