Just Row

If you’re a friend,

follower of my blog

or even a casual acquaintance,

you know I’m a regular


Every workout session

starts with a warm up

on the rowing machine.

The display setting we use

on the rower says:

“Just Row”.

This is, perhaps,

the most calming

part of my day,

of any day.

Just row.

It’s the most welcome

re-assuring affirmation.

For those ten minutes

I am exactly where I am

supposed to be and

there are no expectations of me

beyond to…

just row.

Yet, I wouldn’t be

the coach I am

If I didn’t see the

metaphor in that

simple digital display.

In what ways does

it apply to life?

To work?

To love?

In what ways could

the simplicity and rhythm

of just rowing

moving us forward

smoothly and skillfully

without making metaphorical waves?

How often do we allow

ourselves to be where we are,

fully present with no thoughts

and no expectations as to

where we are coming from or

where we are going.

Just row.

And know that,

even though the rower

keeps me firmly in one place,

with the ripple of each muscular pull,

I am moving forward

stronger and more sure.

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