If you find yourself
with a death grip
on your current life –
be it a job,
a relationship,
or other complex situation –
consider perhaps:
the life you have
is the life you want.
Let that sit for
a minute.
In what ways is
“I want something
more, better, different”
a lie you’re telling
(and probably a lot
of other people too).
“People don’t really want
to be cured.
What they want is relief;
a cure is painful.”*
I’ve had clients come to me,
seemingly desperate to
change some aspect of their life,
then wrestle me to the mat
in support of staying
right. where. they. are.
If this sounds like you,
and you’re in that place
of being unwilling or unable
(same dif)
to create the change needed
for change-your-life change,
you may want to
get more comfortable
with being uncomfortable.
If you’re saying “I want…”
but you’re stuck in
“I can’t…”
can’t is gonna win it.
Change can be painful.
And, if you’re not
up for that discomfort,
there’s a good chance
what you want
is what you already have.
Even with all its faults,
imperfections and disappointments.
No judgment.
So, there you are;
right where you are.
* from Awareness: The Perils and Opportunities of Reality
by Anthony DeMello