Fifty Shades Of Frustrated

I’m five years away

from a career that required me

to know what’s going on in the world,

yet I still feel a social responsibility to

being on top of popular culture.

So, for research purposes,

I read Fifty Shades of Grey.

All three books.

It’s a good thing I did because

it keeps coming up in my coaching.

Women are reading it and—news

flash here—

not for the naughty bits.

Women are longing for the man

Grey is outside the bedroom.

The kind of guy who holds hands

and plants chaste kisses in public.

The kind of guy who watches his woman sleep

(okay that’s kinda creepy)

and tells her she’s beautiful


Sure, some women want

more playroom than bedroom,

but there are also a fair number who

would happily take

a couple of swats on the ass

with a riding crop

for a compliment,

a flirtatious text message or

a plan for Saturday night.

The result is Fifty Shades of Frustrated.

And even more unrealistic expectations about

what a relationship should be.

Clearly, the only responsible thing to do

is to read the book together. Discuss.

And think twice about that silk tie for

Father’s Day.

Bring It.

Who You Callin’ A Wuss?