The art of coaching,
like the art of conversation,
is in asking the questions.
Coaching doesn’t pretend to know the answers.
I couldn’t possibly know what’s right
for my clients or their lives.
Instead, a coaching relationship stands
with the courage to ask
the seemingly simple,
but oh-so-clarifying questions.
The ones that sometimes feel
like a sucker punch to the gut.
With love.
And that’s exactly the point and the purpose.
To get you out of your head
and into your heart and soul
where your real truth often lies.
Not THE truth, but your truth.
Your truth is all that really matters.
What are you pretending not to know?
What is this really about?
If not now, when?
It’s from this deep place of knowing–
in-the-bones knowing–
that fully alive happens.
People literally snap awake
from life long numbing slumber.
Head space clears.
Birds sing.
While our over-developed, over-praised
heads are dizzy from trying to figure it out,
our hearts and souls are
too often waiting quietly
for you to notice and claim
the answer you already know to be true.
What are you pretending not to know?
What is this really about?
If not now, when?