“Experts” say that New Year’s resolutions
just don’t work
and that, by making them,
you’re setting yourself up for failure.
It’s true, some ridiculously high percentage of resolutions
are abandoned by February…
or before.
Thank you, experts, for knowing me better than I know myself.
This is precisely why I advocate
jump starting those resolutions this week.
Today even.
Then, by Monday—because who would start a life change on a Friday?—
you will have a serious week of compliance already in effect.
Last year, I made a
“30 days of yoga” commitment,
that I successfully completed
and then some.
I could lift cars by the end of that
30 days.
It helps if your resolutions have a
beginning, an end and some clear
measurement of success.
I also invite that your resolutions
are not from the Lental school of deprivation.
Rather than deny yourself something
and foster all that negative juju,
why not add something wonderful to your life?
Introduce more TV time, open swearing
or permission to buy every magazine with
the stars of Twilight on the cover?
It’s your year, you should be able to
use it in a way that doesn’t just serve you,
but celebrates you.