Last year I attended a year-long Co-Active Leadership program offered through The Coaches Training Institute (CTI). The opportunity had come up more than once and it wasn’t until my own coach, Helen House, said about the program:
“Every one of your relationships will change”
Sign me up.
The Co-Active Leadership program truly was—as corny as it sounds—a life changing experience.
One of the outcomes I was hoping for was deeper, richer relationships.
What I got was girlfriends.
Those really good girlfriends that everyone else seems to have had since third grade.
The kind that you can call 12 times in one day—or not for a month—and pick up right where you left off.
When I returned home from the first retreat, I was afraid the friendships wouldn’t stick. The next day, I talked to Kristine for about three hours.
For more than a year we’ve called and cried and laughed and emailed across four states and two countries.
We talked today and it pained me to have to get off the phone early to make an appointment.
The combined intelligence, emotional bandwidth, humor and beauty is awe-inspiring. Although, I seem to be the only one with any fashion sense.