Make Yourself Uncomfortable, Part I

In January, I start voice lessons. I’m really excited about the idea of the lessons. Yet, every time I think about the actual singing part. Out loud. In front of people. It gives me pause.
Rick Tamlyn ( calls this the “GULP!” stage.
That place between “idea” and “action” that makes you swallow hard.
I’m taking voice lessons because I love to sing recreationally, but I don’t know if I’m any good. I don’t know because in the seventh grade choir, after a particularly rousing version of some now forgotten Christmas song, Melanie Hannah said, loud enough for everyone to hear:
“Julie, you were so SHARP on that song, NO ONE could sing on key!”
I just want to know.
I want to know if I should be walking around saying, “Oh no, I don’t sing.”
Or, “Hey, let me get that National Anthem for you.”
Coaching has taught me to go for the discomfort. The conversation you don’t want to have is exactly the one to have; the idea that creates the “gulp” is probably the one with which to move forward.
So, thanks, Melanie, for setting in motion this particular state of discomfort a couple of decades ago.

Creating Quiet

We Are Three