Bring It.

Years ago, I had occasion to chat

with a Catholic Deacon

on a sort of regular basis.

(don’t ask)

In one of our conversations,

I said that church had never really done much for me.

I liked the singing

and the sense of community,

but I didn’t feel anything.

I didn’t get anything out of the service.

“That’s easy,” he said,

“You don’t go to get; you go to give.”

I feel the same about Bob Dylan concerts.

Maybe he can’t sing, as my friends relentlessly remind me,

but when I see him in concert,

I bring it.

Gratitude. Curiosity. Loyalty. Energy. Enthusiasm. Appreciation.

My full love-filled attention.

And for Bob,

I can only imagine that, in spite of being revered andloathed

(no one is neutral on Bob Dylan),

he brings it.

Before I found and fell in love with co-active coaching,

I sat on the fringes of a lot of workshops and training sessions,

judging the people and the process and

wondering why I wasn’t getting much out of them.

Now I know.

It took 30 years, God, Bob Dylan and Co-Activity

to teach me that, in any relationship where love is present,

I have to bring it.

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